Port of Brisbane

Suspect Detection of Varroa mite

(February 2024)

This portal has been specifically designed to support industry with accessible means of information during the response to the suspect detection of Varroa mite at the Port of Brisbane in February 2024, this detection is unlinked to the detection of Varroa destructor found in the Port of Newcastle in June 2022.

The detection of a suspect mite and Asian honey bees (Apis cerana) in the Port of Brisbane is a new incursion and as a result, a emergency response was initiated and a movement control order was in place for a number of months while enhanced surveillance activities were launched. 

The Movement control order has been extinguished and beekeepers are now free to move their hives and equipment outside of the area (anywhere within Queensland). 

Beekeepers are encouraged to subscribe to the Bee E-Alert emails to stay across updates (click here). 

Please ensure your beekeeping registration details are up to date click here to check your beekeeping registration information

Stay in touch with industry updates join the QBA. 

If you're interested in supporting the QBA by becoming a member, please click here to complete your application for membership. Once you have completed your application and settled your membership invoice, you will be automatically added to our members communication list. 

What Beekeepers need to do now

The QBA is calling on all beekeepers (across Queensland) to complete varroa mite surveillance now and report your results to the Bee 123 portal

Should you see any suspect mites or bees during your inspection, please report any irregularities to Biosecurity Queensland immediately by calling 13 25 23. 

  • Sign up to the QBA as a member. Our members receive news and updates related to the response to the Port of Brisbane detection via email in a time-sensitive manner. Click here to become a QBA member. 

News & Updates for Beekeepers

Please see our blog post below to access a time line of all communications relating to the detection of Varroa mite in the Port of Brisbane (unrelated to the NSW detection of Varroa destructor).

  • 03 September 2024 6:30 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members, 

    Biosecurity Queensland have confirmed the Movement Control Order (MCO) previously in place restricting the movement of honey bees within the control area has expired as of Saturday 31 August 2024. 

    Following the detection of varroa mite (Varroa jacobsoni) and Asian honey bees (Apis cerana) at the Port of Brisbane in February 2024, Biosecurity Queensland have now lifted the restrictions on movements and  beekeepers may now freely move their bees and beekeeping equipment throughout the state of Queensland. 

    Beekeepers are asked to continue to monitor for varroa mite at a minimum of 16 weeks using the alcohol wash method and report their results to the Bee 123 portal. 

    Please report any unexpected hive deaths, deformed bees or irregular or suspicious bees to Biosecurity Queensland immediately by calling 13 25 23.

    For further information, please visit:

    Biosecurity Queensland - Port of Brisbane information

    All the best, 

    Jo Martin. 

  • 22 March 2024 3:38 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members, 

    Please click on the attachment below to read the latest update with relation to the detection of Varroa jacobsoni at the Port of Brisbane. 

    Please continue to check your hives frequently for varroa. Report all results to Bee 123. 

    Port of Brisbane Varroa Mite Detection - Update 6 22032024.pdf

    All the best, 

    Jo Martin 

  • 12 March 2024 8:30 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Members, 

    Please find attached below the latest update relating to the detection of Varroa mite at the Port of Brisbane. 

    Port of Brisbane Varroa Mite Detection - Update 5 12032024.pdf

    Please continue to check your hives for the presence of varroa mite and report all surveillance activities to the Bee 123 portal. 

    All the best, 

    Jo Martin 

  • 05 March 2024 4:35 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members, 

    Please click on the attachment below to read the latest update relating to the detection of Varroa jacobsoni & Apis cerana (Asian honey bees) in the Port of Brisbane. 

    Port of Brisbane Varroa Mite Detection - Update 4 05032024.pdf

    All the best, 

    Jo Martin 

  • 01 March 2024 7:56 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members, 

    Please see the attachment below to download and read the latest update relating to the response to the detection of Varroa jacobsoni at the Port of Brisbane. 

    A Movement Control Order was issued on Monday the 26th February 2024. We strongly urge all members to read the movement control order (MCO) carefully to remain across the conditions of the MCO.  Should you have any questions about the MCO, please call DAF on 13 25 23 or email varroa@daf.qld.gov.au

    Port of Brisbane Varroa Mite Detection - Update 3 01032024.pdf

    I have also linked the Frequently Asked Questions guide to this post. Please click here to download a copy. Alternatively, this FAQ sheet can be found at the top of the Port of Brisbane incursion page within our website. 

    Your QBA ILO team are continuing their work in the Incident Management team supporting the surveillance activities, response operations, and public engagement work. 

    We will continue to provide further updates when possible. 

    All the best, 

    Jo Martin. 

  • 27 February 2024 9:01 PM | Anonymous

    Dear members, 

    Please click on the link below to read the media release relating to the detection of Varroa jacobsoni in the Port of Brisbane. 

    Please continue to check for varroa and report your results to the Bee 123 portal

    Click here to download the media release.

    All the best, 

    Jo Martin 

  • 27 February 2024 8:43 PM | Anonymous

    Dear members, 

    Please click on the attachment below to read the latest update with relation to the response to the detection of varroa in the Port of Brisbane. 

    Port of Brisbane Varroa Mite Detection - Update 2 27022024.pdf

    Please, check for varroa and report your results. 

    All the best, 

    Jo Martin. 

  • 26 February 2024 3:31 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members, 

    The QBA is writing to our members and our affiliate clubs to inform you of the detection of a suspect mite in the Port of Brisbane.

    At this early stage preliminary testing has indicated that this mite is Varroa jacobsoni

    A movement control order has been issued and is effective immediately. Please click on the link below to read the movement control order. 

    Click here to read the Movement Control Order

    I have also established an independent website page within our membership portal that provides beekeeper impacted in the zone with immediate direction. The new sub-page can be found by clicking on the link below. 

    At this stage, the executive actively encourage all members of the QBA and our associate clubs to initiate varroa mite surveillance at their earliest opportunity and report all results to the Bee 123 portal. 

    Our ILO's are already in place in the Port and in the Incident Control centre. Please stay tuned for the next update. 

    All the best,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

Report varroa mite detections in Queensland 

Call: Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23

or the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline 1800 084 881 

Bee 123 portal 

Complete varroa surveillance and report your results to the Bee 123 portal is a critical activity that all beekeepers across Queensland must undertake every 16 weeks. 

To learn more about reporting your results, please click on the attachment below to download a copy of the how to guide for the Bee 123 portal. 

DAF factsheet - how to access and use the Bee 123 online form v1.0.pdf

Alternatively, click on the gallery to the left ⬅️ to view the fact sheet. 

Want to learn more about varroa mite? Click on the attachment below to download a copy of the FAQ about Varroa mite. 

DAF factsheet - varroa mite frequently asked questions v1.0 electronic.pdf

Look for varroa, check for varroa and report your results. 

Click here to report your results. 

Social Media News

Varroa mite Educational Videos 

Varroa mite Surveillance Training Videos 

Useful Resources for Beekeepers

Educational Information for all Beekeepers

Use the BeeAware website for educational information on varroa.

Use the Professional Beekeepers website for articles on varroa.
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