(Membership for Queensland Beekeeping Clubs and Incorporated Associations)
The Queensland Beekeepers’ Association Inc. was founded in 1886 for the main reason ‘to provide a means whereby Apiarists may be represented through a common organisation for the welfare of the industry.’
Whilst we represent all beekeepers in Queensland currently 5240, we have comparatively very few of these registered beekeepers who stand behind us as we fight for beekeeping both as a hobby and as a commercial industry as full financial members.
We are made up of a Management Committee that represents all Branches. Financial members attend Branch meetings and motions are discussed which are raised to the Management Committee for investigation/answering. We are a not for profit, volunteer run organisation.
We are committed to the welfare of our industry and liaise with all levels of Government on matters which affect beekeeping. Departments we are in regular contact with include:
One matter that we were recently involved in was with the Fraser Coast Regional Council, who has a by-law that prohibits all beehives in urban areas. We contacted this Council and have been invited to participate in re-writing regulations that create a balanced approach to both beekeepers and the public, and we look forward to working with them to achieve this.
In order to progress the many challenges the industry faces, we're looking for the support from the many beekeeping clubs and associations across Queensland. QBA is committed to reinvigorating our connection with clubs/association to keep the lines of communication open, and to promote support mechanisms allowing QBA to better represent all beekeepers across Queensland.
It is here that we are asking for your assistance and for your Association to become affiliated with QBA. The cost is $50.00 per year (1 May – 30 April). For this, your members’ voices will be heard. Your Association will have the right to send a delegate to the AGM and to vote on behalf of their members. An example is the votes that took place at both the 2015 and 2016 AGMs about whether Queensland should adopt the National Biosecurity Code of Practice, which has a number of points that will affect all beekeepers in Queensland.
QBA has been contributing to research, and most recently to the research being done on the Small Hive Beetle. Your $50 per year will contribute to this research and also to the other work QBA does.
We share a passion about beekeeping and also for the future of beekeeping in Queensland and Australia and this is one way of assisting the good work that has gone on for since 1886.
If your association/club is interested in Affiliating with the QBA please use the application link below by nominating the Affiliate Membership Organisation option.
For more information please contact the QBA State Secretary at statesecretary@qbabees.org.au
QBA have also established an Affiliate Liaison Officer to support our affiliate members. Kellie Round can be contacted by emailing info@qbabees.org.au