Beekeeping in the News

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  • 09 February 2022 9:46 PM | Anonymous

    Man sitting on bee hive on a farmQBA President Jacob Stevens and State Secretary Jo Martin were recently interviewed in relation to migratory beekeeping, and expanding the public understanding about the important role of our beekeepers pollinating much of Australia's food crops. 

    Click here to read the story from ABC News. 

  • 17 December 2021 4:30 PM | Anonymous

    A bee pollinating a manuka tree.The Australian Manuka Honey Association has cheered the latest victory for Australian beekeepers in the "farcical" trans-Tasman battle over the term "manuka honey".

    Click here to read the story from ABC News 
  • 06 December 2021 3:55 PM | Anonymous

    AHBIC Chair Trevor Weatherhead was recently interviewed in relation to the growth in the amateur beekeeping sector. Nationally, this sector of industry has grown from 23,000 to 28,000 registered apiarists. 

    Click here to read the story

  • 13 October 2021 12:30 PM | Anonymous

    Close up of bees hanging around a hiveThe QBA was recently interviewed in relation to our efforts to secure a commitment from the Queensland Government to extend access to National Park apiary sites until 2044.

    Click here to read the story

  • 11 October 2021 5:30 PM | Anonymous

    After decades of lobbying, the QBA warmly welcomes the Palaszczuk Governments move to introducing legislation to extend the current exclusion date for an additional 20-years, allowing beekeeping to continue until 31 December 2044.

    Please find the media release below.

  • 12 August 2021 9:58 PM | Anonymous

    Please find the link below to a media release collaborated by Minister Mark Furner and QBA State Secretary Jo Martin commenting on the successful completion and proof of freedom announcement relating to the eradication of varroa mite detected on Apis cerana (Asian Honey bee) in the Port of Townsville.

  • 17 March 2021 6:30 AM | Anonymous

    Bees crawl over a triangular piece of honeycomb sticking out from a hive.QBA State Secretary Jo Martin, was recently interviewed in relation to the expansion and popularity in backyard/urban beekeepers. Statistics reveal our industry has grown exponentially with over 7,500 registrations. 

    Click here to read the story from ABC News

  • 26 September 2020 5:18 PM | Anonymous

    Additional support for the Queensland commercial beekeeping sector announced yesterday by Minister Furner. 

    Please see the link below to access a copy of the media release.

  • 12 February 2020 4:34 PM | Anonymous

    QBA are delighted to advise of a recent announcement to provide much needed financial relief for the Queensland commercial honey bee industry. 

    QBA has lobbied the Qld Government for this emergency package over the last 5 weeks. We welcome this announcement by Minister Furner yesterday. 

    Please see the link below to access the media release.

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