2023 QBA Conference - Video Library

$30.00 - Member price
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As this is exclusive member only content, members who attended the 2023 Conference already have automatic access to the videos. Members who attended the conference are now able to access the videos via our online portal https://members.qbabees.org.au/2023-Conference-Videos . Members who were unable to attend the 2023 QBA Conference may purchase access to the 7 videos for a total of $30.00. Should you wish to purchase access to this video library, please complete your order online and settle your account via online card payment or via bank transfer. Once our staff have reconciled your payment in the system, your user name (email address used to access this site) will be added to the access list. One of our team will follow up on your confirmed order with an email containing instructions on how to access this exclusive online video library. Our catalogue includes: *Varroa mite 101 - Varroa mite Biology with Dr Cameron Jack (48 mins) *Varroa mite Management - with Dr Cameron Jack (41 minutes) *Varroa mite Surveillance and the Bee Informed Partnership Program (USA) - Dr Emily Noordyke (22 mins) *Honey Quality, Authentication and Bioactivity - Dr Nural Cokcetin (21 mins) *Medicinal Honey - The History and the Science - Dr Nural Cokcetin (23 mins) *Honey Bee Nutrition Research - Dr Madlen Kratz (31 mins) *QBA Bee Biosecurity Panel talk (52 mins) If you'd like to see a teaser for the online videos, please visit the QBA's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@queenslandbeekeepersassoc
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