Welcome to the QBA Varroa mite portal 

This portal has been specifically designed as an information portal to support industry during the response to Varroa destructor detected in the Port of Newcastle on the 22nd of June 2022.

Our Admin team will endeavour to publish updates relating to the incursion as frequently as physically possible. QBA members will continue to receive email updates via our dedicated communication channels.

If you are interested in supporting the QBA by becoming a member, please click here to complete your application for membership. Once you have completed your application and settled your membership invoice, you will be automatically added to our members communication list. 

To report varroa mite detections in Queensland 

Call: Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23

Varroa mite surveillance and the Bee 123 portal 

Beekeepers are urged to conduct varroa surveillance and report your results to the Bee 123 portal. Beekeepers should monitor for varroa mite at a minimum of every 16 weeks. 

To learn more about reporting your results, please click on the attachment below. 

Want to learn more about varroa mite? Click on the attachment below. 

 Click here to report your results. 

Transition to Management (T2M) Information 

On the 9th of February 2024, the National Management Group approved the transition to management plan (T2M) for the honey bee and pollination dependent industries. We encourage all beekeepers to learn more about the T2M process in Queensland. Click here to learn more. 

A detailed summary of the Transition to Management Plan has been released to industry. 

Click here to download the T2M plan

NSW DPI Varroa Heat Map

(click on the map icon to see the latest map of public varroa reports)

Varroa mite Treatments

(click on the table below to learn about chemical permits)

News & Updates

Please use the blog post below to access a time line of all communications relating to the varroa destructor detection and response. 

  • 29 August 2022 5:17 PM | Anonymous

    New permit arrangements are in place in Victoria for the movement of hives, queens, used beekeeping equipment and a range of other bee related products into Victoria from varroa free states and territories. 

    Please note, the new permit arrangements do not cover the movement of hives, queens or other related products at this point in time. We encourage members to read the update from Agriculture Victoria below. 

    Update from Agriculture Victoria - Published 28th August 2022.

    Beekeeper permits

    Update: From 23 August, a permit is required for anyone bringing bees, hives, queen bees, used beekeeping equipment, pollen for bee feeding, and bee products, including honeycomb, into any part of Victoria from any state or territory.

    Used equipment (including extracted frames/empty supers) and full honey supers can enter Victoria/Sunraysia from NSW provided they are items owned by Victorian beekeepers and have spent no time since 1 January 2022 in the New South Wales Eradication (red) or Surveillance (purple) Zones. Visit NSW Varroa mite emergency response for more information.

    Used equipment (including extracted frames/empty supers) and full honey supers from other states are permitted provided they have spent no time since 1 January 2022 in the New South Wales Eradication (red) or Surveillance (purple) Zones.

    Honeycomb, unprocessed beeswax and pollen for feeding bees can enter Victoria/Sunraysia from any state (including NSW), provided they have spent no time since 1 January 2022 in the New South Wales Eradication (red) or Surveillance (purple) Zone.

    Application for hives and queen bees from all states except NSW will be assessed.

    Permits will not be granted for bees, hives, queens, escorts and queen cells from New South Wales.

    For more information relating to the movement restrictions and permit conditions, please click the link below. 

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 29 August 2022 5:15 PM | Anonymous

    Teams from Agriculture Victoria have been undertaking varroa mite surveillance throughout many of the Almond orchards located in the Sunraysia region of Victoria. During routine surveillance teams made a detection of Braula fly.

    Although Braula fly is endemic within Tasmania, the fly is still considered to be exotic on mainland Australia. The QBA were advised late last week that the infected hives are being euthanised and further information will be provided to industry in due course. 

    On Saturday 27th August 2022, Agriculture Victoria published the following media release in relation to the detection of Braula fly. 

    Please click here to read a copy of the media release. 

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 29 August 2022 4:46 PM | Anonymous

    Please find additional correspondence from AHBIC CEO Danny Le Feuvre in relation to the AHBIC Varroa mite industry briefing. 

    AHBIC is organising an open information session for the Varroa response in NSW on Wednesday the 31st August at 6pm.  The session will include presenters from the response that are topic experts.  The link can be shared as widely as possible as the session is open to everyone.

    The session is free but registration is required.  Questions will not be allowed form the floor but the chat function maybe facilitated if possible.  We will be recording the session and hosting it on the AHBIC website for those that can’t attend.

    To register to participate in the event, please click on the link below. 

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 28 August 2022 8:00 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members, 

    Please find attached below the latest update from AHBIC relating to the Varroa mite response and detection of Braula fly in Victoria. 

    Kind regards, 

    Jo Martin. 

  • 23 August 2022 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    The detection of varroa destructor in New South Wales has presented many dynamic challenges for our industry members in recent weeks. 

    The basis of our email today is to assist the QBA in identifying those beekeepers who currently have Queensland based hives, stranded in NSW and work on solutions to provide support to beekeepers in this concerning situation. 

    We've already received a number of calls from QBA members with hives stranded outside of Queensland, however we're now calling on others to come forward and make their own situation known to the QBA. 

    Although we've been advocating for measures to support beekeepers with stranded hives for some time, we're keen to build a more accurate profile of the true situation in order to better understand exactly where support is needed. 

    At the present time we are keen to hear from any QBA member who has Queensland based/registered hives stranded outside of the state. To be clear, this does not include beekeepers from Queensland who are currently providing pollination services in Victoria. 

    If you happen to have hives stranded outside of the state, we ask that you make contact with me (Jo Martin) as a matter of priority. I can be contacted via phone on 0498 000 496 or via email statesecretary@qbabees.org.au 

    It is our intention to collect data on the current location of hives, the total number of hives and the immediate needs for the colonies. We plan to use the data collected to:

    1. Understand the number of hives and beekeepers currently impacted.
    2. Understand where the hives are located in relation to current biosecurity zones. 
    3. Understand the immediate support needed to sustain beekeeping operations.
    4. Work one on one with the beekeepers impacted to provide tailored/individual support.

    All information provided will be treated as strictly confidentiality and with the greatest respect to privacy of personal information. 

    As a final note, if you happen to know of a beekeeper with hives stranded outside of the state, who isn't a member of the QBA,  please point them in our direction for support. 

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

  • 16 August 2022 8:30 PM | Anonymous

    Please find the latest update from the NSW DPI in relation to the varroa mite incursion and subsequent response operation. The update was published a short time ago (16/08/2022) and contains important updates to the response and eradication operation, as well as additional changes to the NSW DPI Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order. 

    NSW DPI Website Update - 16/08/2022

    Transition of yellow zone into blue General emergency zone

    55 days in to the Varroa mite emergency response, the yellow zone (which contains over 3,700 registered beekeepers), is now transitioned into the blue general emergency zone.

    This means that those that were in a yellow notification emergency zone now fall under blue general biosecurity zone rules.

    Our intensive surveillance for the length of the response provides DPI confidence and a clear understanding of the limit of the spread of Varroa mite. More information on the zone transition can be found in the latest media release https://fal.cn/3r3Vk

    This achievement is thanks hundreds of people in the honeybee industry and from our agency partners across NSW and in other jurisdictions. We've worked together to report, test and trace the Varroa mite incursion to where it is.

    We continue to work towards eradicating Varroa mite in NSW.

    What can I do in each zone?

    A new emergency order has been issued (https://fal.cn/3r3Vl), which specifies what beekeepers are permitted to do with their hives in each zone. A revised set of frequently asked questions will be made available tomorrow (Wednesday 17 August) at https://fal.cn/3r3Vm.

    Current situation

    The number of infected premises remains at 97, with no new IPs detected for a number of days. Work continues on eradication of IPs in the Hunter area, and Varroa mite surveillance in the Narrabri and Nana Glen areas.

    NSW DPI Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order No.22

    To read the latest changes to the NSW DPI Varroa Mite Emergency Order, please click the attachment below. 

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 16 August 2022 8:01 PM | Anonymous

    Please find the latest update from the NSW DPI in relation to the varroa mite incursion and subsequent response operation. The update was published a short time ago (16/08/2022) and contains important updates to the response and eradication operation, as well as additional changes to the NSW DPI Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order.

    NSW DPI Website Update - 16/08/2022

    Transition of yellow zone into blue General emergency zone

    55 days in to the Varroa mite emergency response, the yellow zone (which contains over 3,700 registered beekeepers), is now transitioned into the blue general emergency zone.

    This means that those that were in a yellow notification emergency zone now fall under blue general biosecurity zone rules.

    Our intensive surveillance for the length of the response provides DPI confidence and a clear understanding of the limit of the spread of Varroa mite. More information on the zone transition can be found in the latest media release https://fal.cn/3r3Vk

    This achievement is thanks hundreds of people in the honeybee industry and from our agency partners across NSW and in other jurisdictions. We've worked together to report, test and trace the Varroa mite incursion to where it is.

    We continue to work towards eradicating Varroa mite in NSW.

    What can I do in each zone?

    A new emergency order has been issued (https://fal.cn/3r3Vl), which specifies what beekeepers are permitted to do with their hives in each zone. A revised set of frequently asked questions will be made available tomorrow (Wednesday 17 August) at https://fal.cn/3r3Vm.

    Current situation

    The number of infected premises remains at 97, with no new IPs detected for a number of days. Work continues on eradication of IPs in the Hunter area, and Varroa mite surveillance in the Narrabri and Nana Glen areas.

    NSW DPI Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order No.22

    To read the latest changes to the NSW DPI Varroa Mite Emergency Order, please click the attachment below. 

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 16 August 2022 7:36 PM | Anonymous

    Please find attached below the latest QBA Members update covering information relating to the National Varroa Update, Queensland Varroa Update and QBA Business Update. The communication has been prepared by QBA President Jacob Stevens. 

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 03 August 2022 9:30 PM | Anonymous

    Please find below the latest update to the NSW DPI Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order No.18 issued by the NSW Chief Plant Protection Officer. 

    Varroa Mite response Daily Update (NSW DPI Biosecurity Varroa Mite Update Wednesday 3rd August 2022 at 7.00PM

    Two new case​s of Varroa Mite ha​ve been detected at One Mile and Anna Bay in the Port Stephens LGA, within the existing eradication zone, ​increasing the total number of Infected Premises to 64.

    Due to the success of the surveillance in the outer regions there has been a greater focus over recent days in the ​eradication ​zone which has lead to the increase in number of Infected Premises.

    All confirmed cases so far either have clear links to existing cases or are geographically related.

    Beekeepers in the Surveillance zones should continue monitoring their hives for the presence of Varroa Mite and keep up to date with the latest information on the NSW DPI website Varroa Mite Emergency Response page www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/varroa

    New factsheets outlining how beekeepers in each of the zones can manage their hives and the restrictions that apply within each zone are now available from the NSW DPI website.

    Industry and community support continues to be critical in reducing the risk of any further spread of Varroa mite.
    If you detect Varroa mite notify the Exotic Plant and Pest hotline on 1800 084 881.

  • 01 August 2022 10:17 PM | Anonymous

    Please find below the latest update to the NSW DPI Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order No.17

    Biosecurity Varroa Mite Emergency Order No. 17.pdf

    Varroa Mite response Daily Update. (NSW DPI Biosecurity) 

    Varroa mite tracing and surveillance work has confirmed three new detections of Varroa mite, as field officers continue hive inspections with beekeepers across the state. All new infected hives fall within existing red zones.

    The two new detections near Salt Ash and another at Butterwick in the Port Stephens LGA brings the total number of infested premises to 59 since Varroa mite was first identified during routine surveillance at the Port of Newcastle on 22 June.

    The new infested hives fall within an existing red zone, but with a new biosecurity order being made, the eradication zone around the Butterwick detection will expand slightly to the west. Tracing is underway to confirm how these sites are linked to previous detections.

Please click on the logo of the agencies/association below to access latest updates. 

Social Media Updates

Varroa mite Educational Videos 

What is Varroa mite? 

Varroa mite Surveillance & Monitoring Techniques

Monitoring for Varroa Explained

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Explained

Useful Resources for Additional Information 

Educational Information for all Beekeepers

Use the BeeAware website for educational information on varroa.

Use the Professional Beekeepers website for articles on varroa.
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