Welcome to the QBA Varroa mite portal 

This portal has been specifically designed as an information portal to support industry during the response to Varroa destructor detected in the Port of Newcastle on the 22nd of June 2022.

Our Admin team will endeavour to publish updates relating to the incursion as frequently as physically possible. QBA members will continue to receive email updates via our dedicated communication channels.

If you are interested in supporting the QBA by becoming a member, please click here to complete your application for membership. Once you have completed your application and settled your membership invoice, you will be automatically added to our members communication list. 

To report varroa mite detections in Queensland 

Call: Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23

Varroa mite is on the march to Queensland

Learn to check your hives and report your testing activities to help us to detect the mite early and support industry through this next chapter of Australian beekeeping. 

Click here to visit the Varroa mite alert page to learn about the mite, how to test for the mite and report your testing activities. 

Transition to Management (T2M) Information 

On the 9th of February 2024, the National Management Group approved the transition to management plan (T2M) for the honey bee and pollination dependent industries. We encourage all beekeepers to learn more about the T2M process in Queensland. Click here to learn more. 

A detailed summary of the Transition to Management Plan has been released to industry. 

Click here to download the T2M plan

NSW DPI Varroa Heat Map

(click on the map icon to see the latest map of public varroa reports)

Varroa mite Treatments

(click on the table below to learn about chemical permits)

News & Updates

Please use the blog post below to access a time line of all communications relating to the varroa destructor detection and response. 

  • 21 November 2022 12:27 PM | Anonymous

    Please find below the latest weekly update on the response to varroa and ongoing surveillance efforts in Queensland. 

    This week we remind our Brisbane Branch and Stanley River Branch members that your meetings are scheduled to take place on Friday 25th November (Brisbane) and Saturday 26th November (Stanley River). 

    Members of the Brisbane Branch can access more information about the upcoming meeting by visiting the Brisbane Branch subpage in the members website. Please note you will need to log in to the website to access the information. Please use the link below to access the Brisbane Branch page.

    Members of the Stanley River Branch can access more information about the upcoming meeting by visiting the Stanley River Branch subpage in the members website. Again, members will need to log in to the website to access the information. Please use the link below to access the Stanley River Branch page. 

    Bee Biosecurity Officer Dave Schlipalius will attend both meetings to provide an update to the current response to varroa in Queensland. 

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 13 November 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    Please find below the latest weekly update relating to the response to varroa and the ongoing surveillance efforts in Queensland. 

    We urge all members to conduct mite surveillance checks immediately and report all results to the Bee 123 portal. Click here to learn more about reporting varroa mite surveillance. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Jo Martin. 

  • 10 November 2022 1:35 PM | Anonymous

    Please find attached below, the latest weekly update on the response to varroa (QLD). 

    Of note, we've added extra content this week by way of the Bee 123 map of surveillance data collected across Queensland since the 13th July 2022 with an explanation as to why industry surveillance data is critical to the national response to the detection of varroa in Australia. 

    QBA Varroa Destructor Update to Members 04112022.pdf

    We urge all beekeepers to undertake surveillance checks and report all findings to the Bee 123 portal as soon as physically possible. Members are reminded that if you have completed surveillance however, you've overlooked reporting your activities, the portal will accept backdated surveillance reports. 

    Should you have any questions with regards to this latest update, please feel free to contact me via email (info@qbabees.org.au) or phone 0498 000 496.

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 01 November 2022 7:30 PM | Anonymous

    The QBA weekly varroa mite update for the week ending 26th October 2022 can be accessed via the attachment below.

    QBA Varroa Destructor Update to Members 26102022.pdf

    We continue to actively encourage all beekeepers to complete varroa mite surveillance checks as a matter of priority and ensure all results are reported to the Bee 123 portal.

    A Movement control order remains in place restricting the movement of bees/hives/carriers of varroa into Queensland. For more information on movement restrictions please visit the DAF Engagement Hub by clicking here

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 24 October 2022 7:30 PM | Anonymous

    The QBA weekly varroa mite update for the week ending 12th October 2022 can be accessed via the attachment below.

    QBA VD Update to Members 19102022.pdf

    We continue to actively encourage all beekeepers to complete varroa mite surveillance checks as a matter of priority and ensure all results are reported to the Bee 123 portal.

    A Movement control order remains in place restricting the movement of bees/hives/carriers of varroa into Queensland. For more information on movement restrictions please visit the DAF Engagement Hub by clicking here

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 24 October 2022 6:30 PM | Anonymous

    I am pleased to advise the recording of the recent Biosecurity Queensland webinar 'Varroa mite update- applying for a biosecurity instrument permit and reporting through Bee 123' has now been uploaded to the Biosecurity Queensland YouTube channel. 

    If you missed the webinar (broadcast on the 11th October 2022) we strongly encourage you to click the link here to watch the webinar at a time suitable to you. 

    Participants on the night were invited to put questions forward in the live Q&A. Unfortunately due to time constraints not all questions could be answered on the night. QBA asked that all questions submitted to the live Q&A were answered and published to the DAF E-hub website.

    If you are interested in reading questions from industry to government I urge you to visit the link by clicking here.  

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 18 October 2022 11:30 AM | Anonymous

    The QBA weekly varroa mite update for the week ending 12th October 2022 can be accessed via the attachment below.

    We continue to actively encourage all beekeepers to complete varroa mite surveillance checks as a matter of priority and ensure all results are reported to the Bee 123 portal.

    A Movement control order remains in place restricting the movement of bees/hives/carriers of varroa into Queensland. For more information on movement restrictions please visit the DAF Engagement Hub by clicking here

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 10 October 2022 12:31 PM | Anonymous

    Biosecurity Queensland will be hosting another webinar focused on the current surveillance operations currently occurring in response to the Varroa detection in NSW. 

    The webinar is scheduled to take place at 7pm, Tuesday 11th October (tomorrow). The live webinar will cover the following topics:

    • Queensland situation update
    • Applying for a biosecurity instrument permit to move bee equipment into Queensland 
    • Reporting surveillance data to the Bee 123 online survey form. 

    There's no need to register to attend this virtual event, just click the link here to join in on the night or watch the recording of the webinar at a later time via the Biosecurity Queensland YouTube playlist. Click here to view past webinar recordings.

    There will be a live question and answer session included within the webinar, however should you have a particular question relating to any of the three topics covered, please email your question to Queensland Bee Biosecurity Officer Dr Dave Schlipalius using the email address dave.schlipalius@daf.qld.gov.au 

    We actively encourage all members to dial in and view this live webinar. Please feel free to share this email with anyone you see fit to assist the QBA in communicating this message more broadly. 

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin 

    QBA State Secretary

  • 07 October 2022 2:00 PM | Anonymous

    The QBA weekly varroa mite update for the week ending 6th October 2022 can be accessed via the link below.

    We continue to actively encourage all beekeepers to complete varroa mite surveillance checks as a matter of priority and ensure all results are reported to the Bee 123 portal.

    A Movement control order remains in place restricting the movement of bees/hives/carriers of varroa into Queensland. For more information on movement restrictions please visit the DAF Engagement Hub by clicking here

    Kind regards,

    Jo Martin. 

  • 04 October 2022 11:00 AM | Anonymous

    The QBA weekly varroa mite update for the week ending 28th September 2022 can be accessed via the link below.

    Please note, over the past week a number of surveillance reporting deadlines within Biosecurity Queensland have changed and as a result the updates will be issued on a Wednesday in the future. 

    We continue to actively encourage all beekeepers to complete varroa mite surveillance checks as a matter of priority and ensure all results are reported to the Bee 123 portal.

    A Movement control order remains in place restricting the movement of bees/hives/carriers of varroa into Queensland. For more information on movement restrictions please visit the DAF Engagement Hub by clicking here

    Kind Regards, 

    Jo Martin. 

Please click on the logo of the agencies/association below to access latest updates. 

Social Media Updates

Varroa mite Educational Videos 

What is Varroa mite? 

Varroa mite Surveillance & Monitoring Techniques

Monitoring for Varroa Explained

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Explained

Useful Resources for Additional Information 

Educational Information for all Beekeepers

Use the BeeAware website for educational information on varroa.

Use the Professional Beekeepers website for articles on varroa.
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