Varroa Mite Update 47 - NSW DPI Update and New Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order

16 August 2022 8:01 PM | Anonymous

Please find the latest update from the NSW DPI in relation to the varroa mite incursion and subsequent response operation. The update was published a short time ago (16/08/2022) and contains important updates to the response and eradication operation, as well as additional changes to the NSW DPI Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order.

NSW DPI Website Update - 16/08/2022

Transition of yellow zone into blue General emergency zone

55 days in to the Varroa mite emergency response, the yellow zone (which contains over 3,700 registered beekeepers), is now transitioned into the blue general emergency zone.

This means that those that were in a yellow notification emergency zone now fall under blue general biosecurity zone rules.

Our intensive surveillance for the length of the response provides DPI confidence and a clear understanding of the limit of the spread of Varroa mite. More information on the zone transition can be found in the latest media release

This achievement is thanks hundreds of people in the honeybee industry and from our agency partners across NSW and in other jurisdictions. We've worked together to report, test and trace the Varroa mite incursion to where it is.

We continue to work towards eradicating Varroa mite in NSW.

What can I do in each zone?

A new emergency order has been issued (, which specifies what beekeepers are permitted to do with their hives in each zone. A revised set of frequently asked questions will be made available tomorrow (Wednesday 17 August) at

Current situation

The number of infected premises remains at 97, with no new IPs detected for a number of days. Work continues on eradication of IPs in the Hunter area, and Varroa mite surveillance in the Narrabri and Nana Glen areas.

NSW DPI Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order No.22

To read the latest changes to the NSW DPI Varroa Mite Emergency Order, please click the attachment below. 

Kind regards,

Jo Martin 

QBA State Secretary

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