Dear Members and Industry,
Firstly, on behalf of the management team we send our warmest wishes for a safe, happy, and prosperous new year to our members, annual sponsors and key stakeholders.
Although responding to another natural disaster wasn't exactly the item of work I'd planned to tackle on the first full day back, here we are.
As you will appreciate the weather events of the past 3 weeks have seen me continuing engagement with impacted industry colleagues and government, actively responding to the impacts of both Cyclone Jasper in the far north of the state just prior to Christmas and the impacts of the unprecedented storms that commenced from 24 December 2023 impacting 3 Local Government Areas of the south east corner of Qld.
With the clean up from both events well underway, the QBA is now calling on any beekeepers impacted by either weather event to notify the Queensland Dept of Agriculture through the DAF Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey portal.
Notifying the department provides critical data for government and industry (QBA) to better understand and illustrate the extent of the disaster while collating the data required to support the activation of potential recovery assistance for primary producers (beekeepers included).
To make a report to the DAF Disaster Impact Survey click here. If you need assistance to complete the survey, please call me as soon as physically possible and I can step you through the survey over the phone.
The QBA can now confirm Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) have been activated for the Cyclone Jasper and the South East Queensland Severe Storms events. We encourage anyone impacted to explore the range of support mechanisms on offer.
In addition, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) has now published two facts sheets that detail the current recovery funding arrangements associated with the recent weather disasters. Please click on the relevant attachment to your region to learn more.
Any members are in need of additional direction or assistance I urge to make contact with me as soon as physically possible.
Additional information will be communicated as soon as it is made available.
Kind regards,
Jo Martin
QBA State Secretary